
Geosoft’s global exploration expertise

Posted on 3 Mar 2006

During the Prospector’s and Developer’s Association of Canada (PDAC) International Convention in Toronto, Canada, industry experts will present educational workshops on how to capitalize on the latest exploration technology developments and make the most of Geosoft’s line of software. Geosoft@PDAC, is the exploration software solutions forum it brings to this year’s event, March 5-8.

Building on the theme of ‘Earth Data Discovery and Exploration without Limits’, the workshops provide perspective on 20 years of exploration and computers. They include practical software demonstrations and previews of new Geosoft software, as well as strategies for exploration data management.

Ian MacLeod, Geosoft’s founder and Chief Technologist, addresses lessons learned from the past as well as future paths to success in exploration and information technology.  Other workshops will feature Geosoft technical experts as well as speakers from Patterson, Grant and Watson Ltd., ESRI Canada, Metech Pty and Deloitte. 

Geosoft software overview – Sunday, March 5

Welcome Luncheon: Celebration of Geosoft’s 20th year as an exploration software and solutions innovator with an introduction on ’20 years of Exploration and Computers’ by Ian MacLeod, Chief Technologist, Geosoft.

Geosoft Software: New Developments and Future Directions. Louis Racic, Industry Product Manager, Geosoft.

GX Developer: Geosoft’s Development Environment. Jacques Beaurain, Application Developer, Geosof.

Product knowledge sessions: Using software to maximize productivity and deliver results – Monday, March 6

Practical Geology: Workflow Solutions in Geosoft Target. Tim Millis, Technical Resource Manager, Geosoft Australia.

Diamond Geochemistry: New SEMPlot software for Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Grain Analysis. Louis Racic, Industry Product Manager, Geosoft.

Oasis montaj: Maximizing productivity for mapping, scripting and processing. Natalie Green, Technical Resource Manager, Geosoft.

Feature Topic: Exploration Targeting Using Neural Network Analysis. Stephen Reford, Vice President, Paterson, Grant and Watson.

Exploring with ArcGIS: Delivering meaningful results. Speakers: Karen Li, ESRI Canada and Natalie Green, Geosoft.

Geosoft DAP: Managing your Exploration Data Assets. Speaker: Henry Wang, Solutions Architect, Geosoft.

Product Knowledge Sessions: Exploration geology and geochemistry – Tuesday, March 7 AM

Practical Geology: Workflow Solutions in Geosoft Target. Tim Millis, Technical Resource Manager, Geosoft Australia.

Diamond Geochemistry: New SEMPlot software for Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Grain Analysis. Louis Racic, Industry Product Manager, Geosoft.

Exploration Geochemistry: From Basic Analysis to Advanced Knowledge. Tim Millis, Technical Resource Manager, Geosoft Australia.

Exploration data management spotlight – Tuesday, March 7 PM

Industry Perspective: Bill 198 and Sarbanes Oxley Compliance Issues for Mining Companies. Herman Van Meeteren, Senior Manager, Enterprise Risk, Deloitte

Best Practices: What is the foundation for your decision making in exploration? Marianne Broadgate, Business Development Manager, Metech.

Technology Solution: Using Middleware in Data Management Solutions Ian MacLeod, Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Geosoft.