
Modern copper refining for Harjavalta and the world’s biggest acid plant

Posted on 12 May 2006

Outokumpu Technology and Boliden have agreed on the modernization of Boliden Harjavalta’s new automated full deposit stripping technology, permanent cathodes and automated crane grab technology. Outokumpu Technology will provide basic engineering, key equipment supplies, Outokumpu stainless permanent cathodes as well as installation and commissioning services.

The deliveries will take place in the second half of 2007. Once operational, the new refinery will produce 153,000 t/y of high quality copper cathodes.

This contract is a breakthrough for Outokumpu Technology’s new electrorefining concept, in which high quality Outokumpu Permanent Cathodes made of special stainless steel in Outokumpu’s Tornio plant are used to maximize the productivity of the refinery. Permanent cathodes simplify the production and, combined with a high degree of automation, offer better operational safety and an enhanced working environment for the tankhouse personnel.

In another major contract, Outokumpu Technology will design and deliver the world’s largest sulphuric acid plant complex at Ras Az Zawr, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian Mining Co (Ma’aden) and Outokumpu Technology’s joint venture company Middle East Metals Processing Co signed the Phase 1 contract for the engineering of three sulphuric acid plants on May 1. The project will be executed in two phases with project implementation and construction starting at the end of 2006. the overall investment cost is estimated to about $240 million out of the which the core technology package directly subcontracted to Outokumpu Technology will be 50%.

With a total production of 13,500 t/d of sulphuric acid the new plant complex will be the largest sulphuric acid production complex ever built in the world. Ma’aden will use the whole acid production for its manufacture of phosphate based fertilizer. The plant complex will be operational in 2009.

Outokumpu Technology has entered into a joint venture with Central Mining Co Investment of Saudi Arabia in order to realize the project. The new joint venture company, Middle East Metals Processing Co, is based in Al-Khobar. Outokumpu Technology has been a major designer and supplier of sulphuric acid plants for more than 80 years, with a track record of over 600 plants installed worldwide.