
Kumba and First Quantum to protect Kipushi mine

Posted on 13 Sep 2006

Kumba Resources and First Quantum Minerals have placed an advertisement in local and international business and trade media regarding the Kipushi mine in the Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). First Quantum and Kumba representatives have held constructive discussions with the DRC Minister of Mines on September 9, 2006 in Kinshasa to endeavour to resolve the dispute regarding Kipushi amicably. Further engagement is envisaged.

On August 29, 2006, la Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines) of the DRC launched an international appeal for tenders in connection with the Kipushi mine in the DRC. First Quantum and Kumba wish to advise the international mining community that, having taken legal advice, they consider that they have various valid rights in relation to the Kipushi mine and the Kipushi mining facilities, and that any discussion by a third party with Gécamines in relation to, without limitation, the joint operation or the transfer of any interest in these assets and any action pertaining thereto, could be qualified as a violation of such rights.

The international mining community is advised that all necessary legal actions will be taken to actively protect, in all circumstances, those rights and those of their affiliates in the Kipushi mine and the Kipushi mining facilities vis a vis Gécamines and any party seeking to gain rights over the Kipushi mine and the Kipushi mining facilities, including by seeking compensation from Gécamines and any such party for all expenses incurred by Congolese Zinc Investments, Adastra Minerals and Kumba on this project since 1996 as well as any loss of profits and/or opportunity.