
Welcome to Bergforsk

Posted on 29 Mar 2007

Led by the Swedish Mining Research Foundation (MITU), and in co-operation with other actors, companies and organisations involved in research and development (R&D), mainly for the metal extractive industry, have created the Bergforsk arena. The main purpose is to integrate and coordinate R&D between the industry and acamdemia, mainly Luleå University of Technology.

Bergforsk is an arena where R&D-units, researchers, sponsors and societal stakeholders meet to prioritize and co-ordinate ongoing activities and future initiatives such as R&D Programmes, financing issues, reviews of plans etc. The work spans many issues, ranging from exploration, rock and mining engineering, mineral processing, environment and process IT to economics, law and social aspects.

The third Bergforsk Annual Meeting will focus on Strategies for Excellence In Technology and Services. The anatomy of three commodity booms, wll be addressed by Marian Radetzki, Guest Professor in Economics at Luleå University of Technology. Patrik Söderholm, Professor of Economics at Luleå University of Technology, will talk on Mergers in the minerals industrie. Exploration in Sweden: Potential, opportunities and current R&, will be presented by Pär Weihed, Professor/Head of Division, Division of Ore Geology and Applied Geophysics. Erling Nordlund, Professor/Head of Division, Division Mining and Geotechnical Engineering, will discuss Modelling of failure in rock: Recent developments. Anders Nordqvist, LKAB, will talk on Application of seismic systems to pin-point the location of the drill-bit in real time

Moving downstream, Co-ordination chemistry of absorption in froth flotation will be discussed by Anna-Karin Larsson, Division of Chemistry at Luleå University of Technology, and Theo Lehner, Boliden Mineral will address Challenges and opportunities in modern smeltin. Jerker Delsing, Professor Industrial Electronics at Luleå University of Technology, will talk on Embedded systems for extreme and harsh conditions – Present status and outlook for the future.  Caisa Samuelsson, Lecturer, Process Metallurgy at Luleå University of Technology will talk on Recycling in metallurgical processes and Remediation of tailings impoundments: Time evolution of groundwater quality is the subject of Björn Öhlander, professor in Applied Geology at Luleå University of Technology.

On the second day, Lars-Eric Aaro, Chairman of the Swedish Mining Research Foundation MITU and Vice President LKAB will provide the welcoming speech, followed by Current trends in the global metal and mineral market and industry responses by Magnus Ericsson, Raw Materials Group. Industry perspectives on R&D to maintain technological leadership will be discussed by Martin Ivert, Chairman SveMin, CEO LKAB.

The Mining Research Programme – perspectives from VINNOVA and the industry will be presented by Per Eriksson, Director General, VINNOVA, Ulf Marklund, Boliden Mineral AB and Pia Sandvik Wiklund, President Luleå University of Technology will talk on Present status of mining R&D and education at Luleå University of Technology.

Deming Whitman, CEO Amira International will present The Globalisation of Mineral Industry R&D; Strategic Research Agenda for Europe; R&D in Polish mining industry will be discussed by Henryk Karas, Chairman High Level Group for the Technology Platform Sustainable Mineral Resources, R&D Director KGHM Cuprum; Mining R&D at Xstrata Nickel will be presented by Graham Swan, Principal Rock Mechanics Engineer at Xstrata Nickel and R&D at Atlas Copco Construction and Mining Technique will be the subject of Sverker Hartwig, Vice President Technology at Atlas Copco CMT.

Bergforsk is May 23 and May 24 in Luleå, Sweden. For registration by e-mail or fax: Pia Nyberg, ([email protected]). Tel: +46-970-165 90 or +46-70-375 39 79. Fax: +46 970 160 60