The Stamford Plaza Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, is the venue for a week of conferences in August/September organised by MEI. The week kicks off with Discrete Element Methods ’07, August 27-29, with over 140 international papers scheduled to be presented. The conference is sponsored by CSIRO, JKMRC, SMI, Itasca, Metso Minerals, DEM Solutions and The Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing (CSRP – the subject of International Mining’s Research Focus in the June issue).
Following DEM ’07 is the two-day Precious Metals ’07, and then from September 1-2, the 2nd annual conference on Automated Mineralogy, organised in collaboration with Intellection, and sponsored by JK Tech, SGS Mineral Services, Bruker AXS, Struers, Gold & Minerals Gazette and International Mining, which has attracted a strong international programme.
Full details of these conferences, including the technical programmes, can be found at: