US CTL conference with SASOL and Peabody

The Coal-to-Liquids Coalition will host a conference August 14-15 designed to spotlight the energy, economic and environmental benefits the USA stands to gain through the production of clean, domestic coal-to-liquid (CTL) transportation fuels. The conference will be held at the Glad Springs Resort near Beckley, West Virginia, and will begin with a dinner on August 14 that will feature remarks by the Chairman of the US House of Representative’s Committee on Natural Resources Nick Rahall  Representative John Murtha will headline an August 15 breakfast, which will be followed by a key note address by Air Force Undersecretary Dr. Ronald M. Sega, who will detail the Air Force’s interest in using domestic CTL fuels to meet its future energy needs. 

Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Logistics William C. Anderson will further detail the national security benefits of CTL fuels as part of a panel discussion on August 15 that will include a representative from South Africa’s SASOL, the world’s leading CTL producer, and other panelists from the financial, investment and organized labor sectors.  In addition, Peabody Energy Vice President of Government Affairs Frederick Palmer will deliver a speech on August 15 detailing the urgent need for government action to help jumpstart domestic CTL production.

The conference will also feature an August 15 luncheon presentation by United States Air Force Pilot Lt Col. Daniel Millman, who conducted extensive B-52 flight tests in 2006 using fuels made by the same process that will be used to produce clean, domestic CTL fuels. More information regarding the conference will be posted on the coalition’s web site at