Conference: 4-5 September, 2007 Bor, Serbia
Field Trip: 6-7 September, 2007 Bor, Serbia
This is a unique opportunity to hear 28 international speakers report on the geology, structure and metallogeny of this important part of the global Tethyan belt and visit the famous Timok district deposits around Bor. The Timor district hosts three large deposits which between them contain 11 Mt of copper and 10 Moz of gold, and has only been lightly explored. The SE Europe Geoscience Foundation (SEEGF) is a sponsor of this SCOPES Program event.
The 28 international speakers will discuss the geology, structure, tectonics, magmatism and metallogeny of the Carpatho-Balkanides and the Caucasus and Pontides. Deposits in Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and Georgia will be discussed with a special emphasis on the deposits of the important Timok district which includes Bor. Company presentations will also be incorporated into the schedule.
The field trip will be two busy days in the field looking at the regional geology and major deposits in the Timok District.
Those interested in attending need to arrange their own transport to Belgrade and will then be transported in buses to the conference and field trip. Accommodation is included in the conference fee, together with meals and refreshments – SEEGF members: €400 and non-members: €500. This includes conference bag and materials and a copy of the Doug Kirwin seminar presentation on CDROM.
SEEGF is a not for profit registered foundation. It is a multi-company initiative in association with Sofia University and the Mining and Geology University, Sofia. The Foundation holds conferences and workshops and gives PhD and MSc student grants for geoscience research.