
Latest issue of International Mining Project News available (February 29)

Posted on 28 Feb 2008

The expansion of existing operations to keep up with world demand has been commonplace within the mining industry and is once again a feature of International Mining Project News this fortnight. In addition to the projects covered in this publication, International Mining editor John Chadwick takes a first hand look at the ongoing expansion of Europe’s largest copper mine, Boliden’s Aitik copper operation in Sweden, in the March edition of IM.

Several more advanced project’s releasing news this past fortnight come from some of the more adventurous addresses around the world. London-based Oriel Resources has commissioned the remaining two furnaces at its Tikhvin ferrochrome smelting plant in Russia near the Kazakhstan border, while Olympia Resources has begun zircon production of good quality, standard grade zircon at its Sampit processing facility in Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Meanwhile, US company Apex Silver Mines has negotiated the challenges of bureaucracy in Bolivia where it continues to ramp its San Cristobal silver mine up to full production of 40,000 t/y. And the world’s largest aluminium and alumina producer, UC Rusal, is rehabilitating the ALSCON aluminium smelter in Nigeria.

We also get the latest from a couple of Australian juniors setting themselves for production in the not-too-distant future at their South American projects – Mirabela Nickel’s Santa Rita project in Brazil and Strike Resources iron ore play in Peru.

The soaring gold price continues to draw in explorers worldwide and the early stage pages of this IMPN edition are littered with yellow metal hopefuls looking to advance their discoveries to the next stage. Dual-listed Moto Goldmines has started looking into the possibility of adding an underground operation to its namesake open pit gold development in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

There is of coarse much, much more within the latest project news from around the world.

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