
12th International Seminar on Paste & Thickened Tailings

Posted on 25 Jul 2008

Paste ’09 will be held April 21-24 in Viña del Mar, Chile. The deadline for submitting abstracts is August 4. As it has been since 2006, International Mining is the international media partner for this important event. Paste and high density thickened tailings is now recognised as a consolidated technology which has been gaining greater interest in recent years. As a result, a number of applications are being developed in different countries and at different scales for a very broad range of mining operations. The new age of this emerging technology is accompanied by numerous research and development efforts all aimed at more efficient environmental management and, ultimately, a sustainable and safer mining. The seminar theme for the event in Chile will be Water Conservation – Coping with Water Scarcity.

Water has become a key strategic resource for the mining industry worldwide. An increased emphasis is being given to a water use efficiency and understanding of water conservation and recovery under variable climate conditions and climate change scenarios. For numerous mine sites the lack of water may make it impossible to operate or expand operations. Research efforts have focused on engineering and technical solutions to reduce water consumption and increase water reuse in an environmentally conscious way. Paste and high density thickened tailings appear then as an attractive and promising solution towards sustainable water use and conservation, especially in the light of increasingly stricter environmental and closure regulations.

Papers are called in the following areas:

  • Environmental drivers / legislation
  • Economic issues
  • Operational issues / tailings disposal schemes
  • Colloidal and water chemistry
  • Solid – liquid separation / flocculants
  • Transport and disposal of high density thickened tailings
  • Geotechnical characteristics
  • Rheology
  • Water balance and conservation
  • Long term geochemical behaviour
  • Seismic loads and stability
  • Case studies / lessons learned

Authors are invited to submit a 500 word abstract by 4 August 2008 to [email protected] . Full seminar information at