
Outotec wins Samarco’s Excellence Award for pelletising plant

Posted on 4 Dec 2008

Outotec has been awarded the Prêmio Samarco de Excelência 2008 by the Brazilian iron ore producer Samarco Mineraâo. The award is recognition for Outotec’s performance during the implementation of Samarco’s third pelletising plant project and in particular for Outotec’s high standard of services and supplies, ability to meet deadlines, social responsibility and safety at work.   In determining its best suppliers, Samarco uses a quality index for contracted services and supplies and makes quarterly evaluations of its suppliers in terms of their adherence to international environmental as well as health and safety standards.   Thomas Schwalm, project manager from Outotec, says: “The project team put in a record performance with regard to health and safety measures as well as environmental compliancy, executing almost four million man hours without lost time due to injuries, zero lost work days and zero environmental incidents.”   “In addition to the successful implementation of some novel technical processes, which have allowed the plant to become a model of energy-efficient pelletizing, the project goals were accomplished within a very tight delivery time of 30 months,” he explains.

Outotec designed Samarco Mineraçâo’s new pelletising furnace for annual capacity of 7.25 Mt of iron ore, making it the world’s largest iron ore pelletising plant. The furnace was commissioned in April.   Outotec’s lump-sum turnkey delivery began in 2005 and included test work, design, engineering, equipment supplies, construction, commissioning and technical assistance with the core plant, which involved a traveling grate indurating furnace, process fans, gas cleaning equipment and auxiliary installations.