
OzMine09 in Jakarta an outstanding success

Posted on 11 Mar 2009

“The OzMine09 Conference and Exhibition held in the Hotel Mulia in Jakarta, Indonesia was an outstanding success,” reports Geoffrey Gold, CEO, Gold Group Asia/Pacific. The number of visitors jumped substantially from around 400 in 2008 event to over 1,200 this year and exhibitors reported meeting “genuine people invited to do business” and being “delighted with the contacts made.” The Australian Trade Commission attributed the dramatic increase in attendance to the co-operation it received from state and territory delegations, particularly the ‘matchmaking’ program Western Australia introduced for its 30 participating companies and associated promotion of the exhibition, conference and JORC Code seminars.  

Highlights of the OzMine09 conference were the opening address of Dr Ir Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Indonesia’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, the keynote address on the implementation of Indonesia’s new mining law by Dr Bambang Setiawan, the Director General of Mineral, Coal and Geothermal and the keynote address on the global financial crisis and mining prospects by Mitch Hooke, the CEPO of the Minerals Council of Australia.

Two public seminars on the expansion of the JORC Code for resource reporting to stock exchanges were sponsored by CSA Global and attracted participation by industry organizations PERHAPI and IAGI and mining company representatives, including the former Director General of Mining  (and Minister of Public Works) Rozik B. Soetjipto.  Implementing an adaptation of the JORC Code in Indonesia will be further discussed at the forthcoming Indonesia Coal Conference  which will be attended by Peter Stoker, Chairman of JORC Australia, AusIMM (see details below).

It is likely that OzMine will again be held in Jakarta in early 2010. To keep informed, contact Craig Senger, Australian Trade Commissioner at Tel +62 21 2550 5347 or Email [email protected].

For follow-up trade inquiries with Western Australian-based companies, contact Martin Newbery, Regional Director Jakarta, WA Global Network at Tel +62 21 5290 2860 or Email [email protected].

For Indonesian/Australian market entry programs and implementation, event management and promotion, company introductions/matchmaking, customised research, news and opportunities sourcing, and CSR programs contact Geoffrey Gold on [email protected].