
U2009 symposium to highlight uranium credentials

Posted on 27 Apr 2009

The U2009 Global Uranium Symposium being held May 10-13, 2009 at Keystone Resort & Conference Centre in Colorado, USA will see experts from around the world gathering together to discuss the industry. Sessions run by industry experts include: the nuclear fuel cycle vs. the carbon cycle – uranium/plutonium vs. carbon; federal and state law pre-emption issues; the global uranium market – continuing to evolve; and new activity at the IAEA to support training and education in the uranium production cycle.

The technical program for the symposium has been developed to offer an in-depth educational opportunity covering a wide variety of subject matters, such as:

  • Uranium deposit genesis and the geological cycle
  • Uranium deposits, geochemistry and case studies from around the globe
  • Uranium processing techniques
  • In situ recovery – groundwater restoration, permitting & case studies
  • Understanding the regulatory requirements and expectations
  • Environmental health and safety advances and best practices.

Organisers of the event say that: “the biennial global uranium symposium is an incredible educational, training and networking opportunity. Anyone involved in the uranium industry, or looking to get involved, should attend this symposium. The symposium is organised by the uranium industry, for the uranium industry!”

In addition, the following pre-symposium workshops are being offered May 9-10, 2009 by the Society of Economic Geologists, the Central Wyoming Section of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration and the Central Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Health Physics Society:

  • Uranium geology and deposit types
  • Uranium extraction process technologies: a review of current best practices
  • Health, safety and environmental aspects of uranium recovery.

To register go to, or contact Dani Wright-Jones at 720-981-4588, ext. 242 for further information and sponsorship/exhibit opportunities still available.