
SEEGF Distinguished Speaker Series addressing Balkan topics

Posted on 28 Apr 2009

Dr Dick Tosdal,  the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) Thayer Lindsley Visiting Lecturer for 2009 will be giving a series of lectures as part of the SE Europe Geoscience Foundation (SEEGF) Distinguished Speaker Series in May 2009 in Sofia (Bulgaria – May 11), Belgrade (Serbia – May 12) and Stip (Macedonia – May 14). Full time University students who are in attendance for the entire day will receive subsidised student grade membership to the Society of Economic Geology.  Students and academics get free admission. The presentations will examine Tectonic transitions in the porphyry-epithermal environment; Footprints of carbonate rock hosted polymetallic deposits in central Peru and Building the geologic environment of Carlin-type Au deposits in northern Nevada.

These lectures are very relevant to the region. The first topic needs no introduction. The second talk is especially relevent given the large carbonate hosted deposits of Tertiary age present in Macedonia and Serbia and the recent anncouncement by EurOmax Resources of wide copper-gold drill hole intercepts south of Novi Pazaar in Serbia. The recent discovery of  ‘Carlin Style’ mineralisation along the western side of the Bor Volcanic Complex by Dundee Precious Metals ensures that the third presentation in an extended format will be most interesting.

The SEEGF is a not for profit registered foundation.  It is a multi-company initiative supported by Dundee Precious Metals, EurOmax Resources, Freeport McMoran, Rio Tinto and ALS Chemex. See: