
Metso demonstrates the sustainability of its products in Brazil

Posted on 18 Jun 2009

During M&T Expo 2009, Metso presented solutions in portable crushing, crushing control systems, automation, pulp pump (slurry), belt conveyors, ESI (energy saving idlers), scrapers, rubber and polyurethane screens, Trellex Poly-Cer idlers, idler of Skega metallic mill and Polymet rubber and steel idler and process technology. During the event the company reported that being a global engineering and technology company it has a clear objective to increase to a maximum its customer competitiveness. Having this in mind, it is strongly investing in sustainable solutions that offer quality to the industrial processes of the mining market.  

In 2008, approximately 60% of Metso net sales derived from environmentally correct solutions – according to the OCED (Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development).  The Metso solution portfolio consists of products and services that reduce environmental impact and at the same time improve the quality of customer operations. The environmental solutions Metso offers are related to renewable energy, energy consumption reduction, recycling, raw material selection, water maintenance, dust reduction, noise, adequate water treatment, carbon dioxide and particle emission and process technology.  Research and development  is focussed on environmental technology related to services and the development of intelligent solutions.  This research and development is done in co-operation with customers, third parties and is supported by renowned research organisations and universities. 

Sustainable technology for the mining and construction markets has the objective of developing correct eco-efficient environmental solutions. The main focus relies on performance improvement and on the process of technological integration, as well as automation of already existing processes.  

In addition to fixed crushing plants Metso offers portable crushing plants that reduce dust emission and improve safety when compared to fixed units. In 2008, for example, it launched the LT7150 Lokotrack, a portable crushing plant equipped with one Barmac VSI Vertical Impactor that complies with the most severe laws regarding emission, has automatic systems and low-cost wear parts.  

Process technology has shown positive results with proven operating gains in comminution, classification and flotation. By means of analyses it allows the assured selection of equipment that aims to maximise energy consumption efficiency, minimise water consumption and reduce greenhouse effects.

Metso promotes and encourages environmental management in its installations and invests in projects and actions aimed at environmental preservation. The activities developed by the Company aim at the control, prevention and reduction of environmental impacts:   

  • Environmental Education: periodically Metso promotes educational campaigns aiming at raising consciousness and changing attitudes. This work is done through lectures, informative bulletins, Environment Week, planting trees, and other activities
  • Waste Management: encourages the reuse of residues derived from Metso’s own operations, as well as byproducts of other processes, such as plastic, paper, cardboard and wood
  • Resource Management: actions within production operations in order to balance or reduce the consumption of mineral, energy, water resources, etc. 

An important environmental improvement in the Metso facilities was the plan for substitution of the conventional painting system for the Armix system, which consists of pulverisation with paint heating system. This system provided several benefits, such as: eliminating solvent use, VOC and lower emission of particulate matter, noise reduction (since the system does not use compressed air), reduced energy and paint consumption reduction, among others. The dust collection system, installed in 2007, was another relevant example. Metso invested approximately 3 million Reais in the project that contributed to better air quality in the state of São Paulo.