
Global users of ABB Gearless Mill Drives meet and share valuable information

Posted on 29 Oct 2009

ABB Switzerland’s third global Gearless Mill Drive (GMD) User Meeting in Lugano, Switzerland, has just finished. The conference hosted over 120 participants, from October 21 to 24. This was the fifth ABB GMD User Meeting, after two global events were held in Switzerland (2007) and Peru (2008), and after two regional events in Santiago de Chile and Sydney, Australia, both held in 2006. To date, ABB has installed or won orders for over 85 GMD units in 21 countries on five continents. Of those, 30 units are installed in cement plants, while 55 units are installed in mining and minerals processing plants.

As a variable speed drive, the GMD allows the mill to start smoothly, without any mechanical stress and fulfils customer requirements for flexibility and adjustability of the process, enabling maximum control over the grinding process. Furthermore, ABB says its GMD systems feature several benefits when compared with conventional geared drive systems: superior reliability, availability, extended life span and improved energy efficiency. ABB delivered the world’s first gearless machine drive in 1969, which is still operating at the Ciment Lamberg-Lafarge cement plant in Le Havre, France.

The meeting creates an interactive platform where all parties, not only ABB, but also end users and suppliers, present educational sessions and exchange experiences, says ABB. “The conference attendees learn and profit from each other’s experience, and maintain an open and trustful relationship that eases and improves their future cooperation. Many existing contacts were reinforced and important new ones were formed. In the past three years, this unique event has become a well established and accepted worldwide platform in the grinding industry.”

GMD end users from over 30 different mines or cement plants, coming from all five continents, as well as major mill suppliers, accepted ABB’s invitation and came to Switzerland for the event. ABB representatives from around the world were happy to share their knowledge on new technologies with end users and give them the opportunity to talk about their experiences and ideas.

Tom Olsen, Process Development Manager at Minera Chinalco Peru (Toromocho project) stated: “I liked the broad variety of topics that were presented. Since Toromocho is under design and soon to be in construction, the available training programs that were presented will be a big help in preparing our employees for commissioning and start-up of the plant with respect to the GMDs.”

Glenn Ingram, Group Manager Asset Management at Newcrest Mining Australia, added: “The availability of so many experts in one forum and the networking that offers the opportunity to understand what issues other users are facing is extremely beneficial.”

The ABB GMD User Meeting is an important forum for end users to learn about the latest developments in the GMD applications and make contacts for other services and support. It also provides valuable customer feedback for ABB on where it can improve its performance. The User Meeting helps to strengthen the bonds and trust between all involved parties by giving operators and suppliers their say. The 2010 GMD User Meeting will take place in North America, in October. Date and venue will be communicated in due course.