
Leading mining companies commit to support partnerships for development to alleviate poverty

Posted on 4 Feb 2010

At the Mining INDABA in Cape Town, the Honourable Minister Alhaji Collins Dauda, Minister for Land and Natural Resources – Ghana, and Mark Cutifani, CEO of AngloGold Ashanti, jointly launched a new initiative. Mining: Partnerships for Development is a global initiative to enhance mining’s contribution to development and poverty reduction through multi-stakeholder partnerships.

In a statement, ICMM’s 19 member companies have made a formal policy commitment to actively seek such partnerships across six priority themes – poverty reduction; revenue management; regional development planning; local content; social investment; and dispute resolution.

Mark Cutifani said, ‘Enhancing mining’s developmental impacts is a critically important issue and needs to be undertaken through developing solid partnerships, particularly with host governments and communities. Together with my fellow CEOs on the ICMM Council, I call on governments, donors and civil society to work with us to improve the social and economic outcomes from mining investments’.

ICMM research has identified 41 economies which currently or in recent decades have relied significantly on mining. Many of these are developing countries with high poverty levels, and many are in Africa. However, while some still suffer from the so-called “resource curse”, others – such as Ghana- have been able to prove that this curse is not inevitable.

“Five years of internationally renowned research – in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Bank- indicate that partnerships involving companies and other stakeholders such as governments, donor agencies and civil society, can be a powerful way to tackle development challenges” said Kathryn McPhail, Senior Program Director, ICMM. 

In support of the commitment, ICMM has also released Mapping in-country partnerships – a publication that illustrates existing partnerships across the six priority themes. They include a number of partnerships in which AngloGold Ashanti is involved, including an initiative in South Africa to improve opportunities for former mine workers, and company support in Brazil and Argentina for regional development agencies to stimulate economic diversification.

About ICMM and Mining: Partnerships for Development initiative.

The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) was established in 2001 to act as a catalyst for performance improvement in the mining and metals industry. Today, the organization brings together 19 mining and metals companies as well as 30 national and regional mining associations and global commodity associations to address the core sustainable development challenges faced by the industry.

Mining: Partnerships for Development builds on ICMM’s longstanding Resource Endowment initiative which has been conducted with various partners at different stages, including the World Bank and UNCTAD. Through its internationally-recognized research, it has established that multi-stakeholder partnerships are key to enhancing mining’s economic contribution. For this reason, Mining: Partnerships for Development aims to create awareness for new partnerships being formed and these efforts replicated.