
Discovering hydrotransport’s environmental and cost cutting benefits

Posted on 24 Feb 2010

BHR Group’s 18th International Hydrotransport Conference calls for papers. Warnings of climate change and the need for environmentally responsible, cost-effective and efficient methods of product transportation have raised more challenges. One answer is the use of more hydrotransport handling of solid/liquid mixtures in pipelines, open channels, long distance pipelines and in-plant transference.

This most basic of techniques combines a number of handling advantages with minimum maintenance and low environmental impact. But there is still potential for cost savings, innovative application and transfer of technology and knowledge between different sectors. Industry professionals need to know how to optimise handling techniques, develop and deploy new engineering solutions and see how different sectors have solved complex problems so that new installations can provide an effective return on investment.

Hydrotransport is an internationally recognised conference that was established in 1970 by BHR Group. For the past 40 years this series of conferences has continued to lead the way in innovative thinking, imaginative solutions and ever-increasing improvements to the skills and development of the technology. The organisers have issued a call for papers for the 18th conference in the series, which is being held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 22-24, 2010.

The latest event builds on the success of its predecessors and presents an ideal opportunity for engineers to discuss and find out more about new research and developments, discuss innovation and explore technology transfer between industries. The venue was chosen because Brazil has become one of the world leaders in the design and construction of major slurry pipelines.

Papers are invited on all aspects of slurry transportation including slurry handling, in-pipeline and free-surface flows. Technical papers and those covering practical case studies involving relevant technologies, economic assessments and operational experiences are particularly welcome.

Possible subjects for papers include: Long distance pipeline design, construction and operation; start-up, shutdown and commissioning; economics of long distance slurry transport; slurry preparation, dewatering and liquor clarification; slurry treatment, transport and disposal; paste and high density tailings pumping; mine backfilling and hydrohoisting; bottom and fly ash slurry handling; flue gas desulphurisation operations; nuclear waste management; pipes, valves and pump maintenance; comminution; oil & gas: rock cuttings, drilling muds, sand separation, hydrate and asphaltene deposition, GTL catalyst handling; environmental issues; in-plant slurry handling; general chemical catalyst handling; sewage sludge handling; concrete and cement handling; equipment wear; on-line sampling and instrumentation; cleaning, jetting, pigging and blockage removal; coarse particle transport; non-Newtonian, non-settling slurries; safety considerations; pipeline integrity assessment.

Hydrotransport is designed for engineers from a wide range of industries, research establishments and public authorities whose responsibilities include slurry handling and transportation or are seeking novel solutions to materials transportation problems.

Further information about the conference can be obtained from:

Ally Davies, Conference Organiser, BHR Group, The Fluid Engineering Centre, Cranfield, Bedfordshire  MK43 0AJ. Tel: +44 (0) 1234 756522/Fax: +44 (0) 1234 750074 Email: [email protected] – Web:

BHR Group ( is a leading independent research centre in engineering with fluids, which has performed impartial product and process development for international clients since 1947. BHR Group transfers know-how and technology to a wide range of industries through technical consultancy, contract research and research consortia, training, conferences, seminars and technical information services.