
NMA develops new health and safety initiative for US mines

Posted on 5 Mar 2010

The National Mining Association (NMA) has launched a new NMA initiative to foster continued improvement in US mine safety and health performance – SafetyShare.Org. This program, according to NMA President and CEO, Hal Quinn, “harnesses a broad array of tools, resources and practices that are directed at further improvements in the health and safety of the 380,000 people working at America’s mines. The initiative will tap the expertise of technology providers and safety professionals, engage in partnerships with government and academia, and promote awareness campaigns, programs and safety practices; all directed at achieving our goal of zero injuries at US mines.”

Quinn continues: “US mining just completed its two safest years in history, with 2009 surpassing our 2008 performance. While these results are gratifying, mining continues to look to new initiatives and opportunities to foster continued improvement and excellence in health and safety performance at US mining operations.

“Taking its name from the miners’ tradition of sharing a specific safety reminder at the beginning of every mining shift, SafetyShare.Org uses the power of the Internet as one component of a larger effort to share safety programs, best practices, procedures and presentations on a real-time basis among mining operations.

“[It] is a platform to facilitate a robust exchange of information and approaches that are part of our drive towards excellence in mine safety and health. It is a dynamic -rather than static – project because the evolving nature of 21st Century mining and the people and technologies that shape it demand that we provide for flexibility and greater synergisms in our safety efforts. Just as our work force is changing and mining technology is constantly improving, our efforts on health and safety must remain open to new challenges, approaches and opportunities.”