
Managing your geostatistical workflow with Isatis 10.0

Posted on 28 Apr 2010

Geovariances has released the latest version of its geostatistical software, Isatis. Version 10.0’s new functionalities include automated 3D multivariate variogram modelling, for intelligent fitting models, and the running of automatic workflows from batch procedures. The program has increased performance through parallel processing – supporting Sequential Gaussian, Sequential Indicator, Kriging and Turning Bands simulations.

Additional functionality includes:

• The image filtering application has been modified to improve performance using Fast Fourier Transform
• Refinement of experimental variogram lags at small distances – this aids analysis of small scale spatial correlation and saves time
• Enhancements to the 3D viewer, enabling fast display of very large grids.

Isatis provides a comprehensive range of geostatistical tools, manages multi-million cell grid models and enables users to build efficient workflows from batch procedures. For more information visit