
Help improve truck operator training with your input to a brief survey

Posted on 14 May 2010

Mines are doing business in a different world today. In addition to price volatility, environmental, political and other challenges, there are significant challenges in hiring people to be haul truck operators. For those fortunate enough to find people, retention is becoming an issue, as people job-jump for more money at other mines. These factors make it critically important that mines take a fresh look at how they are training new operators and retaining existing ones. VISTA Training has put together a brief survey, which aims to explore the issues. Contact [email protected] to participate.

The issues to be examined are:

  • What training tools and strategies are mines are employing to train new haul truck operators?
  • What factors are they seeking to address when training haul truck operators?
  • How much of an impact is computer-based training (CBT) having on training programs used by mines?
  • How are mines currently measuring the effectiveness of their operator training programs?
  • How could these programs be improved?