
Blind spot detection for mining truck operators

Posted on 1 Jun 2010

Brigade’s new Xtreme Backsense is a pulsed radar detection system with some unique features. Xtreme, recently displayed at the Bauma exhibition in Munich, is designed to detect people or objects in the blind spots, providing the driver with a graduated in-cab audible and visual warning. It is also effective through non-metallic objects and can be programmed to ignore fixed objects, bodywork and attachments. The innovative technology works effectively in harsh environments and in poor visibility (darkness, smoke, fog).

The risk of collisions with site workers is further increased by those who may be wearing ear defenders and unable to hear machines approaching. Brigade’s unique white sound reversing alarms (bbs-tek) emit a broad spectrum of sound frequencies which will more effectively penetrate ear defenders. However, they only work in the danger area so do not cause a noise nuisance. The gentler ‘ssh ssh’ sound is less irritating than the shrill beep of tonal reversing alarms and less likely to be ignored by site workers used to hearing alarms outside the danger area or tuning out the pervasive sound due to habituation. The sound source is instantly locatable, which means those on site can pin point exactly which vehicle is moving and in which direction. Brigade reports “not only are they the safest reversing alarms on the market, they also come with a lifetime warranty.”

Brigade strongly believes that best practice for maximum safety is to fit a combination of devices that provide both a visual image and an audible warning.