
Belt analysis by APC of conveyed material at Garzweiler lignite mine

Posted on 22 Jul 2010

International Mining’s August issue includes an Operation Focus on the Garzweiler lignite mine in Germany. This is a highly automated operation using bucketwheel excavators, stackers, etc. and a very extensive network of conveyor belts. There are a number of APC automated online analysers strategically positioned over the Garzweiler belts for the analysis of sulphur and ash content as well as elemental contents (Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe) of the conveyed material.

The principle is the use of EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) analysis. APC’s product is known as SOLAS or KOLA (depending on the configuration of the system). APC has experience with its machines in coal and lignite mines. The next project is the installation of a SOLAS in an iron ore mine. Features of SOLAS include:

• Sample immediately ready for analysis
• Analysis cycle time of about 60 s
• Reliable powder measuring cell
• Multiple sampling positions possible due to smart sample transport system
• Combinable with other sampling systems and preparation units

The APC system allows careful control and blending of lignite mined from different locations in the pit. It also, obviously, detects unexpected quality changes and allows increased selectivity due to controlled mining of defined qualities.