Sustainability is the key word in the mining industry today and in this latest issue of International Mining’s Project News many companies are either looking to expand their current resources, with various degrees of success, or concentrating on project economy in an attempt to nullify recession impacts. One of those leading the pack is Avalon Minerals who have had more Swedish joy with drilling and assay results convincing the company to think bigger as it begins work on a JORC compliant resource estimate. An extended mine life coupled with a potentially doubled open pit resource could make life easy for the Australian miner.
Southern Hemisphere is also looking forward to the fruits of its labours after almost quadrupling its drilling efforts to investigate over 14, 000 m of Chilean rock. Testwork results from its 10.3 Mt manganese mine suggest near optimum separation may be possible. Bass Metals aren’t having quite as much luck with their Australian endeavours as they foresee a metallurgically challenging time ahead – even with plenty of sampling and testwork yet to be completed. With easily accessible resources of 0.8 Moz gold and over 30 Moz Ag the company have not been disheartened, and are still moving towards feasibility, while commissioning a scoping study to investigate three different processes to discover the most economical method.
Meanwhile, in Indonesia, Tanur Jaya’s open cut coal resources has jumped significantly, by three times its initial target, to reach a 297 Mt JORC total. The mine’s JV partners are quickly moving to confirm a 2011 production plan that may eventually reach 4 Mt/y. Many African projects are gaining pace too. Central African Gold Ghana has been purchased by a Australian company determined to increase the Bibiani project’s605,000 oz resource to become a mid-tier West African gold producer. With refurbishments and a feasibility study already underway the mine has an intensive 12 month drilling program planned to begin with the arrival of a multi-purpose drill rig.
They aren’t the only ones getting in on the African act with London based Strategic Natural Resources profiting from a 55% increase in its South African subsidiary’s coal resource. More news from this growing project can be expected shortly as the next steps of the feasibility study are completed.
Up in Spain Ormonde Mining’s project is also making progress as the company commissions economic and engineering studies based on recently increased resources of over 10 Mt, with a grading of almost 50% WO3. While Alexis Minerals has saved itself a 38 km trip with the refurbishment of a gold mill that can, potentially, reach a 1,400 t/d processing rate. Along with an even larger mill purchased as part of its Garson Gold deal the company can now focus on fully realising its extensive Canadian gold potential.
All this and much, much more in International Mining Project News…
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