
Mike Muzylowski inducted into Canadian Mining Hall of Fame

Posted on 19 Jan 2011

alexis.jpegIn recognition of a storied mining career that spans five decades, Mike Muzylowski, Callinan President and CEO, was inducted into the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame in a ceremony held on January 13th. Muzylowski was enshrined amongst other great Canadian Developers. The Hall of Fame’s official citation paid tribute to his instrumental role in the discovery of 16 producing mines that have “earned him the title of ‘Mr. Mine Finder.'”

Muzylowski’s career accomplishments include the discovery and development of the Trout Lake and Tartan Lake mines in Flin Flon, Manitoba, and the Hycroft mine in the state of Nevada. He also assisted in the discovery and development of the New Afton mine near Kamloops, BC, among numerous others. Whenever these discoveries are discussed, he is careful to give credit to the geological and geophysical professionals who worked alongside him — most notably Pat J. DeVeaux and Mo Prew.

Muzylowski’s career in mining burgeoned through the application of techniques pioneered by fellow hall of famer Albert A. Koffman who advocated aggressive drill testing of targets established through airborne geophysics, and defined by surface geophysics. Much of Muzylowski’s work was done in the Flin Flon and Snow Lake areas of the province of Manitoba, where the company that he leads is still very active today.