
PANalytical acquires XRF laboratories from British Geological Survey

Posted on 14 Feb 2011

immer5.jpgLeading analytical X-ray company PANalytical has acquired the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) laboratories from the British Geological Survey. The acquisition further strengthens PANalytical’s leading position in delivering full application solutions. The laboratories will continue to deliver highly advanced XRF analysis to BGS and work closely together on research projects in the field of geochemical analysis. Dr. Simon Milner, Product Marketing Manager XRF, PANalytical, said: “Adding BGS’s expertise on standards preparation and XRF application development to PANalytical’s broad range of XRF products and services will allow us to further expand our range of high-quality solutions assisting our customers in maximising the benefits of our XRF spectrometers.”
Professor John Ludden, Executive Director, BGS, said: “BGS uses XRF for elemental analysis and chemical analysis, for research in geochemistry, forensic science and archaeology.”  He continued:  “The establishment of the PANalytical XRF labs at the BGS head office in Keyworth, near Nottingham, provides us with another tool to enhance external partnerships to improve the quality, reach and impact of our science.”