The latest version of MineSight 3D has been released today by Mintec. Version 6.10 of MineSight 3D (MS3D) features numerous Import/Export improvements, including the ability to directly import CAD-Mining (Datamine) files into MineSight, and to import regular geometry into MineSight Planning Database. Used in tandem with MineSight Interactive Planner, MS3D v6.10 can create cuts from a polygon and constraining surfaces. It also allows users to:
- Clip cuts against polygons and constraining surfaces, thus eliminating the need to set snap modes
- Improve performance for large numbers of cuts.
In response to client feedback about plotting, MS3D v6.10 helpfully locks any two of three controlling factors (area, scale, paper size). MS3D has long helped Mintec clients create, manipulate, and visualise their project data. The software is used worldwide and for a variety of purposes.