Martin Engineering has added an online course to its library of FoundationsTM Training programs to help make the operation and maintenance of belt conveyors cleaner, safer, and more productive. Martin is expanding its workshop series into three customisable training programs, with the Operations & Maintenance Seminar available as an online course. The seminar takes an in-depth look at methods to improve the safety, performance, and payback of belt conveyors by controlling fugitive material and improving system efficiency. This online training is ideal for any personnel concerned with operating and maintaining belt conveyor systems. Topics of discussion include material handling basics, conveyor safety, belt alignment, belt cleaning, transfer point improvement, belts and splices, leading edge technologies, and dust management. After studying these topics, staff and operations will benefit by improving safety, justifying and validating investments, and increasing performance and profitability.
Composed of nine one- to two-hour course modules with internet-based quizzes, the online course is designed to suit companies and personnel with difficulty in scheduling and attending a full-day live seminar. A certificate of completion will be awarded upon correctly completing all course materials.
As with the live seminars, this online training draws material from Martin Engineering’s reference book, FOUNDATIONSTM 4th Edition, The Practical Resource for Cleaner, Safer, More Productive Dust & Material Control.
FoundationsTM Training Programs qualify for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or Professional Development Hours (PDHs); they may also qualify for the Parts 46/48 Annual Refresher Training. To sign up for the training, visitors can go to Martin Engineering’s website, to find information on pricing and registration.