
IMPC 2012 destined for New Delhi, India – sure to be a great event

Posted on 22 Apr 2011

pump1.jpg The International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) has been a major driving force for the promotion of scientific and technical knowledge in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy worldwide. It is the most prestigious event in the field of mineral processing in the world today. IMPC 2012 is being organised by the Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers (IIME) and Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) in collaboration with Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Steel, Ministry of Mines and Ministry of Coal in India. More than 1,000 delegates are expected to participate in this event, according to Dr Pradip, Chief Scientist and Head, Process Engineering Innovation Lab, Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC), President of the event . IMPC will be held September 24 -28, 2012 in New Delhi India is known for its ancient heritage in minerals and metals. The non-corroding Delhi Iron pillar (more than 1,600 years old), the legendary Wootz steel from which famous Damascus swords were made, the ruins of ancient retorts that were used to produce thousands of tonnes of zinc in Rajasthan, the exquisitely crafted bronze icons from south India made by the “lost wax’ process – are all testimony to the level of technological excellence achieved by the Indian sub-continent. Minerals and metals industry continues to be of great importance to India and it is going through resurgence in recent times. Impressive growth projections in the production of minerals during the next decade promise huge investments in the industry.

The mining, minerals and metals industry globally and particularly in India is confronted with new challenges of reducing its environmental footprint. Land, energy and water are extremely scarce resources in India. The theme for IMPC 2012 is therefore Innovative Processing for Sustainable Growth. IMPC has been an excellent forum for the best professionals from the industry, academia and the research institutions to meet and deliberate on the challenges and the opportunities in the field. We shall strive to make IMPC 2012 a professionally rewarding and socially enjoyable experience