The latest addition to the SPECTRO XEPOS Series is optimised for the analysis of medium and heavy elements. It achieves detection limits that are a factor of 5 to 10 times better than conventional ED-XRF instruments. The SPECTRO XEPOS HE was developed specifically for laboratories conducting environmental, geological and waste disposal analysis. “XRF instruments typically are setup for rapid screening analyses and for the quantification of multiple elements. They often are used to determine the concentrations of heavy elements only in screening quality,” explains Dirk Wissmann, SPECTRO’s Product Manager for XRF. “However, especially heavy elements, such as cadmium or antimony, are of great interest for many applications. That’s why we added the XEPOS HE to our range of products. It is an instrument that offers all the advantages of modern XRF, but with an innovative design that is able to reliably quantify even heavy elements in ppm ranges.”
Among the unique features of the SPECTRO XEPOS HE is its flexible excitation source. The instrument uses an extremely stable end-window tube with a power of only 50 W. The instrument also offers a target changer with up to eight polarisation and secondary targets that allows users to achieve excellent sensitivity and accuracy for an ED-XRF instrument during the analysis of medium and heavy elements.
For these demanding environments, the XEPOS HE is equipped with a large area SDD detector. With the large surface area, the instrument provides much higher sensitivities and gives laboratories the ability to decide whether to measure a great deal faster or achieve lower detection limits.