In March 2011, Caterpillar’s Indonesian dealer, PT Trakindo Utama, completed the 300th rebuild for PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) at its Kuala Kencana Machine Rebuilt Center. The R1700G LHD is the 300th machine rebuild that was completed since the facility was moved from Ridge Camp to Kuala Kencana in 2002, and is also the 105th underground machine rebuilt to date.“The loader arrived at our facility with 12,253 hours of recorded operation. The machine was then cleaned and disassembled, with all components sent to the Component Rebuild Center, which then rebuilt all the major components within 23 days. The machine re-assembly process took 12 days and then continued with testing and adjustment in the workshop prior to testing in the levee area. After testing it was then cleaned and painted,” explained Trakindo technician Heryanto Lote.
The next part of the process was to carry out the pre-delivery inspection and service. Upon final completion and quality control inspection, the unit was then declared ready for return to operation. “The 300th machine rebuild was completed in 54 days with four Machine Rebuilt Center mechanics working double shifts,” added Heryanto.
“The ability to rebuild this machine is an approximate 35% cost saving to the PTFI operation, proving that machine rebuilds, whether for a first, second, or in some cases even a third time, are a viable and effective method of meeting operational targets without the need to replace with new equipment,” stated Trakindo Manager Peter Jones, who also said that the 350th rebuild is scheduled to be completed in November 2011.
PT Trakindo Utama Rebuild Center at Kuala Kencana Light Industrial Park (LIP) supports PTFI operations by providing parts and maintenance services for Caterpillar heavy equipment and components, as well as equipment rebuilds.
The Rebuild Center is comprised of the Component Rebuild Center and Machine Rebuild Center, which cater to support full machine rebuilds and repairs of various Caterpillar earthmoving equipment and components from underground to surface mining units.