
JKTech obtains license to provide the Peak Air Recovery (PAR) technique to global minerals industry

Posted on 27 May 2011

flotation1.jpgIn recent years, researchers at Imperial College have been focusing on measuring air recovery in industrial flotation cells and have found that a peak in metallurgical performance (improvements in both grade and recovery) corresponds well with a peak in air recovery.  Major platinum and copper operations have already observed the benefits of using this methodology as developed by the researchers. JKTech’s team is now licensed by Imperial Innovations to commercially provide this methodology and associated benefits to the global minerals industry.  The PAR technique comprises two stages – evaluation and implementation. The evaluation stage involves determining the effect of the technology at a mine site, typically determining the peak air recovery for a bank (or banks) of flotation cells and evaluating the resultant metallurgical performance. The implementation stage involves setting the air rates to those that maximise the air and/or metal recovery, and support and training of site personnel including operating manuals. The implementation stage requires an end-user licence to be obtained by the sites through Imperial Innovations and further details can be obtained upon request.

JKTech now includes the PAR technology in its suite of flotation optimisation tools, ultimately improving the performance of flotation circuits around the world.