Booyco Electronics says its patented mechanical Advanced Tamping Device is rapidly becoming the tamping method of choice in South Africa, based on its simplicity and ease of use – and the fact that it is not subject to human error. No preparation is required and there is no wastage. Tamping contains and distributes explosive energy in the blasthole, reducing the risk of fire hazard. It maximises the effect of an explosion, concentrating it into the rock instead of allowing expanding gases to escape through the blasthole.There are several types of tamping systems available. Clay plugs tamped down with a wooden rod are most commonly used, but when a misfire occurs they are notoriously difficult to remove. This is not only time consuming, but costly. The alternative polymeric foam composition for tamping is also an expensive option.
Manufactured from fire-retardant and anti-static polypropylene, the lightweight and portable Advanced Tamping Device is unaffected by wet holes and is fully recoverable and reusable in the event of a misfire. It is impervious to all working temperatures and is ideal for slow-release propellant blasting.
This innovative tamping device reduces wastage, saving up to 25% on explosive costs. Use of the Advanced Tamping Device improves fragmentation, reduces dust and rock, labour, transport and electricity and improves surface crusher efficiency. It also has an unlimited shelf life.
The Advanced Tamping Device has been tested locally and the results verified that the blasted rock contained less fines and that hanging and sidewall control was satisfactory.