
Mine Site Technologies gets Indian certification for key products

Posted on 28 Nov 2011

aiccl_1.jpgAustralia’s Mine Site Technologies (MST) has received the India Coal Mine Intrinsically Safe (IS) certification for its PED (Personal Emergency Device) and ICCL (Integrated Communications Cap Lamp) products. This certification opens the door for India coal mines to use the PED and ICCL systems which MST believes two of the most reliable and effective emergency and general communications systems available to the modern underground mining industry.

The PED system uses a proprietary ultra-low frequency signal to transmit text messages through solid rock – “through the earth” technology. The transmission system can be installed on the surface to send a signal to miners who are working underground, regardless of their location. Installation on the surface means that PED is less vulnerable to the day-to-day rigors of the underground mining environment, which adds to its reliability and supports keeping maintenance costs to a minimum. Messages can be sent to individuals, select groups of workers, or, in the case of an emergency, all employees underground. The ICCL serves as a multi-functional receiver which displays the text messages issued through PED on an integrated screen. In addition when a message is received the wearer is alerted through both audible and visual (flashing cap lamp light) signals.

The PED/ICCL combination complements other phone and radio communications systems that may already be installed in a mine. In fact, many mines have installed PED as their primary emergency evacuation alert system and as a redundant emergency system to complement their other underground communications systems which may be damaged, and become inoperable, in an incident underground. Mike Foletti, General Manager – International, commented, “This accomplishment has taken several years to fulfil. Our customers in India have been waiting to have the opportunity to apply the PED technology and we are now actively pursuing orders and installations.”