
Martin Engineering expands its operations in Peru and Bolivia

Posted on 8 Dec 2011

pe-map.gifA worldwide leader in bulk materials handling technology has announced a new sales and service location, as Martin Engineering opens its offices in Lima, Peru. The new facility will provide products and technical support to the central and northern regions of the country, with plans to continue developing the emerging market in Bolivia. Martin Engineering Peru began operations in April of 2010 with the opening of its main office in Arequipa. With the addition of the new location, the company plans to divide the region into five territories to facilitate sales and track activities.  Martin Engineering has begun serving customers with a number of conveyor products and flow aids, such as belt cleaners, transfer point equipment, air cannons and dust containment products. “We are initially focusing our efforts on the cement and mining industries, including copper, gold, zinc, lead and silver operations,” commented Sales Manager Jorge Manrique. “Once we are well established, we plan to expand our concentration to other industries, such as coal handling and rock/aggregate processing.”

Plans are already in place to showcase Martin Engineering products in regional trade shows during the coming months, including Expomina 2011 in Lima and Extemin 2011 in Arequipa. Long-term plans include engineering and manufacturing facilities to deliver the firm’s complete range of bulk material handling solutions to the growing Peruvian market, including railcar unloading products, engineered vibration and fugitive material control.

The company plans to use its expanded FOUNDATIONSTM Training Program to help introduce Martin Engineering technologies and educate the industry, focused on the design and development of more productive bulk material handling systems. The program features three levels of training: Introduction to Conveyors and Conveyor Safety; Operation and Maintenance of Belt Conveyors; and Advanced Topics and Conveyor Engineering. The FOUNDATIONS series has been teaching bulk materials handling personnel how to operate and maintain clean, safe belt conveyors for nearly 20 years.

Manrique said the Peruvian market represents a significant opportunity for the company, as increased industrialization and improved infrastructure continue to drive the country’s development. “There is a definite need to introduce the latest bulk material handling technology to industries throughout the nation,” he continued. “Peru is quickly gaining ground on neighbouring countries in a wide range of industries and applications, and the available natural resources are rich in minerals, fossil fuels and biomass products.”