
Colorado Goldfields has obtained approval from the State of Colorado for the Silver Wing mine

Posted on 22 Dec 2011

acid-mine-drainage.jpgThe approval of this project is particularly significant because it allows for an investigation to be made to determine the source of the existing mine drainage of some 20 gal/min and evaluate the potential for controlling or eliminating this discharge with an underground grouting program which could avoid the need for a discharge permit. If it is determined that the discharge cannot be eliminated, then an evaluation will be made of what actions can be taken to minimise the discharge, and assuming a permit is required, what permit conditions would be most effective and appropriate for preventing discharges of pollutants into the Animas River.“Colorado Goldfields is working to find the best way to address a very-long-term, pre-existing problem. The approval by the Division of this work, I believe shows confidence in our expertise and reinforces in real terms the company’s commitment to proper and careful mining in the area,” stated Stephen Guyer, CFO for Colorado Goldfields.

The Colorado Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety, has approved the application to begin work at the Silver Wing mine. The formal name of the application is “Notice of Intent to Conduct Prospecting Activities.” The application was approved on November 18, 2011 and is the third consecutive approval of a permit received by Colorado Goldfields from the Division.

Activities to be completed under this initial approval of work at the Silver Wing mine will include re-sampling key areas of the mine by taking approximately 250 channel samples to verify records of sample data taken by prior operators and consultants. In preparation for drilling, work will also include the verification of underground mine maps, evaluation of prior underground development work and the condition of existing workings. This information will be used to develop an on-going core drilling program and an initial mining plan.

The Silver Wing mine consists of 10 patented mining claims across 70 acres in San Juan County, in southwest Colorado. “A thorough study of geological structures, past production, core drilling and extensive underground sampling records indicates that the total resource of the Silver Wing mine could exceed $200 million with approximately 80% of the resource value composed of silver and copper minerals,” stated Lee Rice, President & CEO for Colorado Goldfields.