
MMS portable laboratory Traveller Cell, for flotation testing, selling well

Posted on 12 Jan 2012

mms.jpgMaelgwyn Mineral Services (MMS) is seeing an unprecedented growth in the sales of its portable laboratory flotation cell aptly named Traveller Cell. The cell offers all of the advantages associated with much larger conventional laboratory machines and can be used for standard laboratory testwork. Indeed many sales have been solely for this purpose. However importantly, the major added advantage of the Traveller cell is that it is portable due to its small size and weight fitting neatly into a supplied carry case. It can therefore be used in offsite plant applications or other remote wherever the flotation testwork is required, MMS says.

MMS’s Operations Manager Mark Battersby comments “I always take a Traveller Cell with me when travelling overseas for plant audits. The total weight of the unit is less than 20 kg and can go as standard airline baggage when in its carry case. It can be assembled and disassembled on site within a couple of minutes.”