
Twin Metals fires up a prefeasibility study on the great Duluth nickel/copper/PGM complex

Posted on 26 Mar 2012

twin.jpgTwin Metals Minnesota has instructed Bechtel Engineering to prepare the NI-43-101 prefeasibility study on the Twin Metals project. This massive project is sure to become one of the world’s great mines and there is an initial article in the April issue of International Mining. The Duluth Complex is a large, composite mafic intrusion in northeast Minnesota that extends about 240 km northeast from Duluth, Minnesota to the Canadian border. It is considered to be the largest known copper-nickel field in the world after Sudbury and Norilsk. The mineralisation consists predominantly of disseminated sulphides that collectively constitute over 4,000 Mt of material averaging 0.66% Cu and 0.20% Ni.The study is to be based on the following parameters:

  • A vertically integrated mining complex
  • Large scale phased underground mine plan and development
  • Evaluating different scenarios respecting to both on-site and off-site surface facility alternatives, including examining options in milling capacity up to approximately 80,000 t/d through-put
  • A hydrometallurgical plant with a minimum capability of producing copper cathode, nickel hydroxide and a PGM concentrate.

Vern Baker, President of Duluth Metals stated, “Bechtel and the other consultants are aggressively working to define a large integrated mining operation that respects the environmental and social values of Minnesotans and which will benefit the State of Minnesota for generations. This project is being planned with the latest technologies in order to protect Minnesota’s environment and will be a long-term economic engine for Northern Minnesota.”

An initial prefeasibility NI-43-101 Resource Estimate report on the consolidated resources of the Twin Metals project is nearing completion by AMEC and is anticipated to be finalized by the end of April, 2012. This report is going through final iterations as minor additions are incorporated into the geologic model. This resource will be used for mine planning purposes in the prefeasibility study. This initial resource update will be followed up by a prefeasibility resource report which will incorporate data from recent, current, and near future targeted drill programs.

Twin Metals Minnesota is a joint venture company, 60% owned by Duluth Metals and 40% by Antofagasta. Twin Metals was formed in 2010 to pursue the development and operation of a copper, nickel and platinum group metals (strategic metals) underground mining project within the Duluth Complex in northeast Minnesota. Twin Metals’ holds mineral and land assets of leased and permitted land, including four NI 43-101 compliant mineral resources: the Nokomis, Maturi, Spruce Road and Birch Lake deposits. Duluth MetalsĀ is committed to acquiring, exploring and developing copper, nickel and PGM deposits.