
Conveyor specialist Flexco opens new manufacturing facility in Chile

Posted on 30 Apr 2012

flexco_chile.jpgFlexco, a leading manufacturer of products that help maximise belt conveyor productivity, recently opened a new sales and manufacturing facility in Santiago, Chile in order to better service customers in Latin America. The facility includes a training centre, which includes a classroom and workshop, that ensures that Flexco de Chile employees and customers are educated on the latest products and services. “The facility will provide closer support to our distributor partners, and in turn, provide better service to our customers,” Eleazar Castro, Director of Sales and Operations – Latin America, said. “Our customers can expect faster delivery of products and enhanced support from this facility.”Flexco CEO Richard A. White says the new facility supports the company’s long-term commitment to establishing local businesses to drive the growth of Flexco products in key markets around the world.  “Flexco is proud to be establishing our first South American subsidiary in the city of Santiago,” White said. “The region will be a major contributor to our organization’s future growth and this investment will significantly enhance our service and support capabilities in the region.”