Demonstrating its commitment to the mitigation of climate change and sustainable mining, Anglo American Platinum has launched a platinum-based fuel cell powered mine locomotive prototype. This industry leading project was delivered in collaboration with Vehicle Projects, Trident South Africa, and Battery Electric, and will see the partnership construct five fuel cell locomotives which will be tested for underground use at one of Anglo American Platinum’s mines.
As part of Anglo American Platinum’s commitment to the development of fuel cells, in 2011 the company identified uses for fuel cells in its own operations. Mining locomotives were identified as an ideal opportunity. Partners were identified through a global search to pioneer this development. Current original equipment manufacturers were integrated with the fuel cell developers to ensure seamless system integration. Anglo American Platinum, with its partners, aims to demonstrate the superior energy efficiency and productivity of fuel-cell powered locomotives. The new technology is also believed to offer environmentally friendly and safer means of underground transportation.
Cynthia Carroll, Chief Executive of Anglo American plc and Chairperson of Anglo American Platinum Limited, commented: “This event marks a leap forward for fuel cells. The platinum-based hydrogen fuel cells, used to power the locomotive we are unveiling today, offer one of the most exciting opportunities for South Africa in the green economy. At Anglo American, we believe that with platinum at its heart, a South African fuel cell industry would support the country’s drive for jobs and help to meet its energy challenges”, Carroll said.
Hydrogen powered fuel cell locomotives are more economical and environmentally friendly than traditional rail transport, powered by a clean and more secure energy source. A fuel cell is essentially a gas battery that produces electricity as long as it is fed with hydrogen gas. The fuel cells provide availablity 24-7 and there is no need to change or recharge the battery it replaces, which means less downtime and increased productivity. Neville Nicolau, Chief Executive Officer of Anglo American Platinum, commented: “These innovative locomotives will provide us with an opportunity to mine platinum in a more economic, energy-secure, and environmentally-benign manner. The locomotives will not require any electricity from the grid to function and will not emit noxious gases.”