
Albion process technology for GPM gold project in Armenia

Posted on 25 Jun 2012

albion.gifXstrata Technology has recently signed an Albion Process technology licence agreement with GeoProMining Gold, a 100% owned subsidiary of GeoProMining Ltd. The Agreement allows GeoProMining Gold to use Xstrata’s proprietary fine grind and oxidative leach technology for the recovery of gold and silver from sulphide concentrates at their GPM Gold Project in Armenia The agreement was signed after the successful completion of a BFS in 2011 that included batch and continuous pilot plant testwork on samples from the GPM Gold mine in Armenia. The feasibility study demonstrated that the Albion Process can achieve high gold and silver recoveries from the GPM sulphide concentrates on a cost competitive basis.

GeoProMining Gold LLC has engaged Xstrata Technology to provide the Albion Process plant as a lump sum design and supply package, and to complete detailed design of the existing flotation plant upgrade. Xstrata will supply an M3000 IsaMillTM grinding plant, twelve ZipaTankTM modular leach and slurry storage reactors, a 10 m diameter high rate thickener, 120 t/d oxygen plant and 140 tpd limestone grinding plant to GeoProMining Gold for the project. Long lead items have been ordered for the project and civil works have started at the plant site. The Albion Process plant will be commissioned in April 2013.