
Eco-efficient comminution

Posted on 16 Aug 2012

hpgr_new.jpgIn June 2012 CEEC, in association with JKTech, ran a workshop to develop a roadmap for eco-efficient comminution.  The workshop was attended by invited senior industry figures from Australia and overseas representing mining companies, engineering companies, equipment manufacturers and the research community.  The participants worked in teams to identify opportunities and risks related to the implementation of eco-efficient comminution, with a view to creating a template which can be used by companies to develop a strategy for energy efficiency in any mine site.

A full article on this will appear in the October issue of International Mining (with extra distribution at IM’s second IPCC conference – The editors of the final roadmap have tried to accurately reflect the output of the teams’ roadmaps which were the main products of the workshop, plus the many useful comments made during plenary sessions.  Thanks are due to Prof Tim Napier-Munn, Diana Drinkwater of JKTech and Grant Ballantyne of JKMRC who had the onerous task of bringing together this material to form the final report.

In producing the final document they kept in mind the following points:

  • A roadmap is not a plan, but rather a path to a plan
  • Tried to make the document pithy and concise. Details are confined to appendices
  • Resisted the temptation to include things that were thought should be there and to remove things that were thought shouldn’t be there. The aim was to fairly reflect what actually happened at the workshop.

Consideration was given at all times to the potential customers for the roadmap, including:

  1. Senior industry personnel considering whether they should develop a company-based strategy for energy-efficient comminution, whom the roadmap should assist in making that decision and then in formulating a plan
  2. Government or industry associations considering industry-wide strategies (e.g. AMIRA)
  3. Commercial  or research organisations looking for opportunities