
Martin Engineering opens new Wyoming facility

Posted on 20 Aug 2012

marting.jpgBulk materials handling technology group Martin Engineering has announced a new factory-direct and service centre opening in Gillette, Wyoming. The new facility will allow Martin to provide factory-direct parts, sales and service 24 hours a day for the mining industry in Gillette, Wyoming and the surrounding region. “The new factory-direct sales and service center will house a large stock of inventory in Gillette and serves as a sign of our commitment to this region and the western US mining industry,” said Mark Huhn, USA Managing Director.

“We are committed to providing our customers’ world-class, industry-leading solutions and service – firsthand and at a moment’s notice,” he added. “This new facility will allow us to do just that.” Gillette has a population of just fewer than 30,000 and is centrally located in the Powder River Basin region, the nation’s largest coal-producing area, accounting for over 40% of US production. Gillette is known as the “Energy Capital of the Nation.” The new 3,800 ft2 facility includes warehouse and office space and is opening soon with a grand opening celebration planned.