The importance of fatigue management measures on haul roads and in the workforce is critical. A world leader in alertness monitoring technology Optalert, has been nominated as a finalist in not one, but three prestigious road and mining safety awards this year. The company is proud to have been nominated in the finalist position in the “Innovation” categories for the 2012 Australian Road Safety Awards and the 2012 Australian Mining Prospect Awards and the overall category for the 2012 Australian Latin-American Business Excellence Awards in the coming months.The celebration of excellence across the innovation and business practice categories may come as no surprise within the safety industry as Optalert says it “is the world’s only scientifically validated fatigue management system. The proprietary algorithms have been published by over a dozen leading research institutions from around the world, including Harvard Medical School.”
Optalert’s Acting CEO, James Walker, says he is excited to be part of a company who is publicly recognised “not only for mitigating the global risks of fatigue related accidents, but for existing as a leader within both the fatigue management space and the technological space,” he said.
“Being shortlisted for an award amongst the nations leaders in these categories is a true testament to the effort the team has put into creating defining factors amongst the fatigue management space. Optalert’s information-based approach provides objective information to both operators and management in two areas: Fatigue Risk Management Plans and the current state of alertness of an entire fleet in real time. There is really nothing else like it out there in fatigue management,” said Walker.
The finalist announcement comes off the back of an appearance at MINExpo in Las Vegas Nevada. Optalert displayed its innovative IRIS software, which allows workforce managers a real-time glance at the awareness levels of their entire fleet of operators in an attempt to mitigate the risks of fatigue related accidents. Visitors also had the opportunity to try on the Optalert Glasses. These glasses objectively measures the movements of the eye and eyelid 500 times a second to predict drowsiness over 30 minutes prior to the operator feeling the effects.