
New belt adhesive solution from ContiTech

Posted on 18 Oct 2012

conti.jpgIncreased reliability and safety despite simplified application is promised  by the new adhesive Conti Secur PREMIUM, which  is used for a variety of different cold bondings on conveyor belts. As it only has a single component instead of the usual two, it is ready for immediate use and “guarantees a long service life” according to the manufacturers, ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group.

“In heavy industry applications, we normally use two-component adhesives. Conti Secur PREMIUM is an innovative new product that requires just one component” explains Wolfgang Kerwel, application engineer at the ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group in Northeim. He was the one who originally had the idea for the single-component adhesive, and has worked together with adhesive specialist HB Fuller Company to develop a marketable product that is now manufactured exclusively for ContiTech. Conti Secur PREMIUM has been available since October 15 in 0.8 litre containers. It can be used universally in the same way as Conti Secur BFA.

For users, the one-component adhesive based on polychloroprene offers two main advantages – firstly in terms of metering, secondly in terms of application and handling. As there is no need for a reinforcement solution, there is no risk of mistakes being made during metering. Furthermore, every last drop of Conti Secur PREMIUM can be used, without the adhesive vulcanising in the container within a short space of time, which makes the adhesive particularly cost-effective. Conti Secur PREMIUM can be used in a range of different applications, including rubber-to-rubber bonds and rubber-to-metal bondings, as well as for cold splicing of fabric ply belts. Another advantage over two-component adhesives is the reduced packaging volume thanks to the omission of reinforcement solution. This reduces costs both during dispatch and in storage, not to mention during waste disposal.