
Sudbury news of Rail-Veyor and Penguin success and new MTI test mine

Posted on 18 Oct 2012

robomap-b.jpgYesterday, in Sudbury, Canada, International Mining caught up with Penguin, MTI and Rail-Veyor to discuss new projects. Penguin’s automation projects include a Telecommand system for Codelco RT’s leach pad that will get the stacker operator into a clean, safe environment. MTI has recently opened a new and interesting test mine and Rail-Veyor is having success at Vale’s 114 orebody project, hauling material autonomously to surface.

The Penguin control cabin for the handling system for RT’s 0.5 km wide by 2 km long leach pad is just about to ship. Penguin is also seeing great interest in its underground robotics capabilities. MTI’s new test mine is a strategic investment allowing, in perticular, product development and training. Cementation is one of mti’s partners here and there is a shaft sinking section tto this test mine that is perhaps unique in the world. Here a new shaft excavator made by mti is undergoing final tests.

Dan McIntyre, Vale’s Proiject Director said he was pretty optimistic about the potential for the Rail-Veyor technology to spread around to other mines within the Vale group. He also noted in the context of rapid mine development and what it offers to that target of mines around the world the technology’s potential to make marginal deposits economic. This innovative material handling system could lead to a significant change in mine design, enabling smaller openings, improved safety and faster advance rates.