
New onboard truck ramps saves portable unloader owners time during setup

Posted on 24 Oct 2012

superior.jpgSuperior Industries, a manufacturer of conveyor systems and their related accessories, offers time-saving onboard truck ramps as a new option for its line of portable RazerTail® Truck Unloaders. Packaged with the machine, these onboard ramps reduce setup time for owners by up to an hour. Without the new technology, earthen ramps are constructed so belly and end dump trucks can access the hopper. Over time, ramps made of earthen material can settle, requiring maintenance. In addition, each move of a Superior or competitor brand portable unloader requires these earthen ramps to be arranged or deconstructed; a process requiring up to an hour to complete.

According to Superior, the new onboard ramps unfold from their transport position in as little as five minutes. A loader or forklift operator simply connects chains or straps to hooks and reverses to initiate ramp setup. To return the ramps to a transport position, the loader or forklift performs the same function while traveling in the opposite direction.

These new onboard truck ramps are available on all model 1,200-mm and 1,800-mm RazerTail truck unloaders. The patented machine, exclusively manufactured by Superior Industries, allows full belly or end dump trucks to unload in as little as 90 seconds. Customers often combine the equipment with the company’s TeleStacker® Conveyor to eliminate bulk material segregation from truck to stockpile. Other applications for the portable truck unloader include barge, ship and railcar loading.

Current owners seeking to retrofit the truck ramps to an existing RazerTail truck unloader should contact their local Superior dealer or the company directly.