Rail-Veyor® is proving itself underground, asking the questions What if you didn’t need to sink shafts, develop larger drifts or additional ventilation to increase production or deepen your mine? Including surface applications, the technology asks further questions: What if your mine didn’t need conveyors, truck haulage or heavy rail haulage? Rail-Veyor operates on gradients up to 20% and accommodates 30 m radius turns. It employs small scale, lightweight trains and is a fully automated system with continuous throughput 24/7. The system will travel at speeds up to 8 m/sec with results like 0.2 kWh/t-km on 15% gradient (improved results on level terrain).The technology has the potential to save millions of dollars in capital costs & operational costs. It offers low maintenance costs and can significantly increase production in an existing operation by optimising efficiency and safety
Underground advantages include its minimal ventilation requirements and narrow drift requirement. No onboard operator is required. Remote control can be accomplished from a mobile tablet or control room. There are no diesel particulate (DPM) emissions.