
From Bali to Cologne: the IPCC conference series goes from strength to strength

Posted on 6 Nov 2012

ipcc2012.jpgWith an attendance of over 100, of which about half were from mining groups including most of the leading companies with coal operations in Indonesia as well as other mining representatives from India, Canada, Chile, Papua New Guinea, Thailand and elsewhere, the IPCC 2012 event in Bali was a great success, confirming the relevance of the concept for mines in Asia. Most of the mining groups in attendance were conducting IPCC feasibility projects or already had some elements of IPCC at their operations. A group photo of some 70 of the delegates is attached. The following are just a few of the comments received following the event, and the highlights of the presentations themselves will be included in a special article in the International Mining December 2012 issue:

“Thanks again for a great conference at Bali 2012”

“It was a great IPCC conference and appreciated you organising it”

“Thanks again for the well-organised days on a well selected location”

“We enjoyed the meeting and look forward to next year”

It is also our pleasure to formally announce that Cologne has been selected as the venue for IPCC 2013 – as usual there will be a strong showing from the key OEMs, consultants and component suppliers, but this time we are aiming to bring the IPCC “story” to mines in Europe, Russia, Africa and the Middle East in particular, whether that be in relation to coal and lignite mining, phosphates, iron ore, oil shale or other commodities. We particularly invite mining groups in these regions to get in touch if interested in speaking and attending at the IPCC 2013 event: please contact IPCC 2013 Conference Director, Paul Moore, at [email protected]

Please keep visiting the IM website for details on the Cologne venue. We will also be having a field trip to one of the RWE lignite operations in the region, which are world leaders in their degree of high tonnage belt conveyor utilisation; and the relocation of belt conveyors. Their three operations: Hambach, Inden and Garzweiler, together mine over 100 Mt/y of coal and over 455 million bcm (bank cubic metres) of overburden annually. Watch this space!