
MICROMINE brings introduction and resource estimation course to Spain

Posted on 24 Dec 2012

Software and solutions provider, MICROMINE, and the Madrid Geological Society are collaborating to provide the Micromine Introduction and Resource Estimation Course to unemployed or under-employed geologists from 7-10 January 2013. The collaboration is aimed at helping geologists “increase their industry knowledge and assist them in their search for employment.” This is the first time the course has been offered in Spain. The latest version of Micromine, Micromine 2013, is set for release in the second half of 2013. Micromine 2013 will contain new functionality associated with resource estimation and modelling, pit optimisation, annotation layers and scripting as well as new CAD tools.

The Micromine Introduction and Resource Estimation course is comprised of two modules which are generally delivered as separate courses; Introduction to Micromine, and Exploration. The course is the only one of its kind, and is provided to geologists who are currently unemployed or working minimal hours at a nominal fee to cover costs. The course familiarises participants with Micromine, one of the most commonly used 3D modelling software programs in the mining industry. It provides inexperienced attendees a clear view of what a mineral resource project consists of, so they can understand the steps to follow when working in the industry. Micromine Resource Estimation training increases participants’ knowledge about resource estimation projects, from grassroots to the resources calculations of the deposit.

James Hogg, MICROMINE UK CEO, comments: “The course has been applauded by industry members as a necessary offering. Not surprisingly, participants perceive it as a personal investment in their career. An employee’s software knowledge is a valuable asset and is almost always considered when seeking employment. Mining companies look favourably on candidates with a broad knowledge-base and existing software skills.” Manuel Regueiro from the Spanish Official Professional Association of Geologists (ICOG) explains, “This course will help many young Spanish geologists enter the job market, and will also assist experienced geologists to redirect their professional careers.”