
SonicSampDrill to start work on new LIBS-based Ore Selector system

Posted on 7 Jan 2013

In the final week of 2012, sonic drilling technology provider SonicSampDrill reports that out of 66 projects, its solution was selected for approval and funding for the development of a new method of copper characterisation in excavated material. Together with TNO, IHC Mining, MECON and TU Delft, the group is now working on the development of the Ore Selector – a new system that will be able to quickly determine the amount of copper in large volumes of material, up to 1.000 t/h, both accurately and quickly, using state of the art Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) technology.

According to SonicSampDrill this will give mining groups a better insight in how to stockpile ore in a more efficient and economic way. The company states that it will be starting work on the new system in February 2013, and expects to have the first pilot ready for action in 1.5 years. In the meantime, it is seeking interested partners from the mining industry to assist with a real life proof of concept study. “By improving the characterisation of the copper content of your ore, a more constant grade can be supplied to the smelter. This will improve the efficiency of your operation and increase the total amount of processed material, dramatically increasing the revenue and mine lifetime” said the statement.